jueves, diciembre 13, 2007

"Tell me about the rabbits. Tell me about the dreams we used to share. Tell me about my life, I don't remember it, I always forget. Tell me about the rabbits. Don't forget the rabbits. May I tend them? May I, Every day? Tell me about the future. Tell me about my past. Where did you say we're going now? You know? I forget. May I tend them? The rabbits? Will you let me do it? I will be careful! I've done bad things, I know. I didn't mean to harm her. I didn't want to hurt the pup either. Why did he let himself to be killed? I don't know anything. What are we supposed to do now? Let me know, let me know. But.. but... tell me about it. You know?, about you and me, and the others, and the rabbits. Tell me how beautiful our lives are going to be. Tell me, make me happy, make me smile, give me peace."
Buscando que todo dentro de mi vuelva a ser, mi gusto por las zanahorias, necesito que algo dentro de mi vuelva a ser, La conejita blanca feliz.

2 comentarios:

Ophir Alviárez dijo...

"Tell me how beautiful our lives are going to be. Tell me, make me happy, make me smile, give me peace."

Parece un clamor que hoy hago mío: I need somebody to tell me, to help me...



paula dijo...

gracias por tu comentario en mi blog, aquí estoy conociendo el tuyo